Welcome to the State of Washington!
Our State Representative is Krystle Perez, MD, kmperez@uw.edu
The District VIII Chair-Elect isĀ Mihai Puia-Dumitrescu, MD, MPH, mihaipd@uw.edu
The District VIII Past Chair is Robert DiGeronimo, MD, robert.digeronimo@seattlechildrens.org
The District VIII Secretary is Dennis Mayock, MD, mayock@uw.edu

Neonatology in the State of WA
Washington is a large and very active state within the District VIII Section on Perinatal Pediatrics. The State ranges from the very urban Seattle and Spokane to the more rural and remote. Transport services are vital as is an excellent concept of regionalized care.
Currently neonatal ECMO is provided at Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle and Providence Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital, Spokane.
Level IV Centers with full provision of Pediatric Surgery and Comprehensive Pediatric Cardiovascular Services include:
- Swedish Medical Center: Seattle, WA
- Children’s Hospital: Seattle WA
- University of WA Medical Center: Seattle, Wa
- Providence Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital: Spokane, WA
- Multicare Tacoma General Hospital, Tacoma, WA
Level III centers:
- Evergreen Hospital
- Kadlec Regional Medical Center
- Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center
- Madigan Army Medical Center
- Multicare Deaconess Hospital
- Multicare Good Samaritan Hospital
- Overtake Medical Center
- Peacehealth Southwest Medical Center
- Providence Regional Medical Center
- St. Joseph Medical Center
- Valley Medical Center
- Virginia Mason Memorial
Many other level II NICU’s with delivery services across the state.
Neonatal Fellowship : University of Washington and Seattle Children’s Hospital Program
Fun facts about our state:

- Nickname: “Evergreen State”
- State’s bird: American Goldfinch
- State’s flower: Coast Rhododendron
- Our WA state flag is the ONLY green state flag
- WA operates the largest ferry fleet in the country
- WA grows the most apples in the US
- WA is the second largest wine-producing region in the country
- There are 29 federally recognized Native tribes
- There are 3 national parks in the state
- First Starbucks was founded in Pike Place, Seattle
Come visit us!