Your Idaho state representative is Jennifer Merchant (jdm6617@gmail.com).
The last District VIII conference held in Idaho was in Boise in 2010.
The next District VIII conference to be held here will be in Boise, June 5-8, 2025. Amy Kirk is the conference chair (kirkam@slhs.org). Save the date!

Interesting Idaho Facts

• The deepest gorge in the United States is its Hell’s Canyon. It is 7900 feet deep (deeper than the Grand Canyon).
• The Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness is the largest wilderness area in the 48 contiguous states – 2.3 million acres of rugged, unspoiled back country
• Idaho’s Salmon River, known as the “River of No Return” because of its difficult passage, is the nation’s longest free-flowing river that heads and flows within a single state.
• The world’s first alpine skiing chairlift was (and still is) located in Sun Valley. Built by Union Pacific Railroad engineers, it was designed after a banana-boat loading device. The 1936 fee: 25 cents per ride.
• Five of history’s pioneer trails, including the Oregon Trail and the California Trail, cross Southern Idaho. Wagon ruts are still visible all along the rugged terrain.

Neonatology in Idaho
St. Lukes Children’s Hospital (NICU Level IIIb, 61 beds) Neonatologists: Charlene Crichton, MD (crichtoc@slhs.org) Jennifer Merchant, MD (merchanj@slhs.org) Amy Kirk, MD (kirkam@slhs.org) Erik Meyers, MD (meyers@slhs.org) Declan O’Riordan, MD (oriordd@slhs.org) Scott Snyder, MD (snyders@slhs.org) Nathan Thornton, MD (thornton@slhs.org) James VanLooy, MD (vanlooyj@slhs.org) Kiko Miura (miuray@slhs.org) Nurse Practitioners: Gayle Gesswein, NNP (gessweig@slhs.org) Lena Pascual, NNP (pascuall@slhs.org) Phillissa Rozansky, NNP (Rozanskp@slhs.org) Jennifer Shepard, NNP (shepardj@slhs.org) Jason Slade, MD hospitalist (sladej@slhs.org) Tammy Allen, NNP (allenta@slhs.org) Megan Ashline, NNP (ashlinem@slhs.org) Heather Endriss, NNP (endrissh@slhs.org) Tony Broderick, NNP (broderia@slhs.org) Maria Tucker, NNP (cheatham@slhs.org) Elizabeth Gibson, NNP (gibsonel@slhs.org) Abby Gray, NNP (grayab@slhs.org) LaResa Janousek, NNP (janousel@slhs.org) Jamie Musgrove (musgrovj@slhs.org ) |

St. Alphonsus RMS (Level IIIb, 24 beds) – contact all thru office manager: Lisa Reed (Lisa_Reed@mednax.com) Neonatologists: Stewart Lawrence, MD (stewart_lawrence@mednax.com) Nurse Practitioners: Robin Winchester Lauren Gale Darenda Walker Linda Reimers |
Coeur d’Alene Kootenai Medical Center (NICU Level IIa, 6 beds) Neonatologists (ph 208-625-5185): Kimberly Judd MD (KJudd@kh.org) Diane Warner MD (DDWarner@kh.org) Kara Arvin MD (KArvin@kh.org) Sandy Nearing NNP (SNearing@kh.org) |

Idaho Falls
Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center (NICU Level IIIb, 24 beds)
Wyc Cheatham MD (Wyc_Cheatham@mednax.com)
Shelly Haug MD (Shelly_Haug@mednax.com)
Nurse practitioners:
Alexis Siddoway, NNP (Alexis_Siddoway@mednax.com)
Lesli Blanchard, NNP (Lesli_Blanchard@mednax.com)
St. Luke’s Meridian Medical Center (NICU Level IIb, 12 beds)
Staffed by St. Luke’s Boise Neonatology service
St. Luke’s Nampa Medical Center (NICU Level II, 4 NICU beds, 7 family care suites) – Staffed by St. Luke’s Boise Neonatology Service

Portneuf Medical Center (NICU Level II, 16 beds)
Elizabeth O’donnel, MD (Elizabeth_Odonnell@mednax.com)
Jonathan Robin Lawrence MD (Robin_Lawrence@mednax.com)
Pediatricians: (manager’s email: jperry@pocatellochildrens.com) (ph:208-604-4736)
Don McInturff, MD
David Denton, MD
Bryan Fulks, MD
Lloyd Jensen, MD
Jentry Yost, MD
Laura Duty, MD
Shaun Summereille, MD
Creighton Hardin, MD
Madison Memorial Hospital (NICU Level IIb, 14 beds)
Pediatricians: (ph: (208) 356-0234)
Doug Cotterell, MD (dcottrell@seasonsmedical.com)
Rob Lofgran, MD (rlofgran@seasonsmedical.com)
Gene Gates, MD (ggates@seasonsmedical.com)
Jason Hymas, MD (jhymas@seasonsmedical.com)

Twin Falls
Magic Valley Medical Center (NICU Level IIIa, 18 beds)
Tim Ulrich, MD (ulricht@slhs.org)
Scott Knight, MD (knightsc@slhs.org)
Nurse practitioners:
Cheri beaumont, NNP (beaumanc@slhs.org)
Lynn Dohner, NNP (dohnerm@slhs.org)
Jared Hansen, MD (jaredh@slhs.org)
Jack Trotter, MD (doctrot@slhs.org)
Greg Jones, MD (gregj@slhs.org)
Mitch Moffitt, MD (mitchellm@slhs.org)