EBM CQI Article of the Week 8.29.2021

For everyone working so diligently with compassion during this C-19 pandemic, attached is the largest robust report yet published that concisely and comprehensively reviews the safety and side effect profile of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.   You can efficiently digest the manuscript just following the yellow highlightsand glancing at the beautifully powerful Figure 4.  The Moderna vaccine is also mRNA as you know.


  1. Vaccination is associated with increased risk of myocarditis, lymphadenopathy, appendicitis, and herpes zoster
  2. Vaccination is associated with decreased risk of anemia, kidney injury, intracranial hemorrhage, and lymphopenia
  3. SARS-CoV-2 infected persons have increased risk of myocarditis (4x higher than those vaccinated), kidney injury, pulmonary embolism, intracranial hemorrhage, pericarditis, myocardial infarction, deep-vein thrombosis, and arrhythmia.  

These data from Barda et al (Israel) should be helpful for the vaccine-resistant and the vaccine-apathetic, two groups that warrant somewhat different conversations with healthcare providers.

Also attached is an informative report from Sabbatini and our Providence Health System colleagues regarding the increased rate of hospital deaths during unplanned admissions March to December 2020.   Retrospective analysis revealed 5-6 excess deaths per 1000 hospitalizations at 51 Providence hospitals, suggesting the pandemic “spillover effect” noted by other hospital systems.  Authors discuss the intricacies of determining the multiform reasons for these deaths – patient presentation factors vs. system access and quality factors.  

Joe Kaempf, MD

Oregon Representative

Portland, OR

Volume 13, Number 30

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