Two requests from friends: a) a useful shared decision-making review, b) a poem.
Shared decision-making is akin to Bayesian-thinking,……we do it every day naturally in healthcare, unaware at times, often skillfully, sometimes not. Stiggelbout et al expertly summarize a confusing literature for us (attached). I especially appreciate their 1-2-3-4 summation,……bless their avoidance of overwrought constructs.
#1 (a decision must be made) is the snafu/rate-limiting enzyme of SDM in emergency and intensive care, more so than acknowledged,……and manipulated by participants in various fashion. That would be my opinion.
I agree with Arthur Schopenhauer, music should not be categorized with the other arts, it is a separate realm entirely. Music is ante-language, pura-emotion, primal impulse,..……sorry, can’t find one word.
So, is poetry the purest art?
I have read “13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird” many times and still cannot fathom its grip on me,…….a different stanza vaults out each time (attached). If someone told me an enlightened Japanese Zen master wrote this poem I would say “of course she did.”
Wallace Stevens was an insurance agent who lived a fairly quiet life (by today’s measure) in suburban Connecticut. A consummate craftsman of language precision, obscure allusions and history-particulars,…… exemplar of why some believe “Poetry is the purest art.”
Joe Kaempf, MD
District VIII Oregon Representative
Portland, OR
Volume 13, Number 5